Station Gateway and Two Waters

Station Gateway

In April 2018, we adopted the Two Waters Masterplan Guidance as a planning statement. Alongside Network Rail and London and Continental Railways we are now jointly preparing a Station Gateway Masterplan and Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Site 1: Hemel Hempstead Station and Surroundings. This will be a more detailed document and will guide the future redevelopment of land around Hemel Hempstead train station.

The Station Gateway Masterplan and SPD aim to make improvements for rail passengers, residents and visitors, as well as for the local community. They seek to provide much-improved public transport services, new parking facilities, a mix of leisure uses - such as restaurants and cafes - and high-quality new homes through the redevelopment of the area.


Consultation on the draft Station Gateway Masterplan took place between Monday 21 May 2018 and Sunday 10 June 2018.
The consultation boards and frequently asked questions can be viewed here:

Two Waters Masterplan

We adopted the Two Waters Masterplan Guidance as a planning statement in April 2018. The final guidance, together with the full consultation statement, can be viewed on our Additional Planning Guidance Documents page.

The guidance covers the area between Apsley railway station, the Plough (Magic) roundabout and Hemel Hempstead railway station. This follows on from the adoption of the Two Waters Strategic Framework by Cabinet in November 2015.

The Masterplan will help ensure that development and changes in the area, including housing, business, open space, transport and community services are planned and designed in the best possible way to ensure we have an attractive, sustainable and balanced town fit for the future. The Masterplan Guidance has been developed as a planning statement, and will be developed into a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), following the adoption of the new Dacorum Local Plan, expected around 2022. Masterplan Guidance was informed by the Evidence Base, which comprises a capacity study, transport and viability assessments. The Evidence Base can be found below:

Two Waters Strategic Framework

The Two Waters Strategic Framework has been created to help guide interest and give a clear vision for the area. It only acts as a first step in setting out broad principles. The controlled development and regeneration of the Two Waters area of Hemel Hempstead is vital to the overall well being of Dacorum.

The Two Waters area is located at the southern edge of the town centre by the Plough (Magic) Roundabout, with Hemel Hempstead railway station to the west, and Apsley railway station to the east. There is currently an eclectic mix of land uses around the edges of Two Waters, including residential, light industrial, retail and community uses, and a large swathe of valuable recreational land in the centre, owned and managed by the Box Moor Trust.

Page Last Updated: Friday, 27 May 2022 at 08:31 AM