Lost and found dogs

Report a stray, lost or missing dog

To report a stray, lost or missing dog, please call our Dog Warden on 01442 228455 (8.45am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8.45am to 4.30pm on Fridays).

Outside of these hours, please contact:

Appledown Rescue and Rehoming Kennels
Address: Harling Road, Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, LU6 1 QY
Telephone: 01525 220383
Website: appledownrescue.co.uk

How to claim your dog

If we seize your dog as a stray, we will take it to our kennels. We will keep the dog for up to seven days and inform the owner (if possible). If the dog has not been claimed within seven days, we will find a new home for it.

To claim your dog we will need a good description of it, plus your name, address and a telephone number. We will then match those details with any reported strays. It is also likely that we will request evidence that the dog belongs to you.

When you claim your dog you will need to pay a fee, plus any other costs. This may include the cost of microchipping your dog if it doesn't already have one. You must pay all fees by card over the phone.

To claim your dog, and pay any fees, please call us on 01442 228455 during normal office hours.

If you want to claim your dog at weekends or bank holidays you will need to contact Appledown Kennels (details above). 

What to do if you find a dog

If you find a dog that is wearing a collar and a tag, you may wish to contact the owner directly.

We can arrange to collect the dog during office hours. It must be in a confined place - for example, a house, workplace or small secure garden. We will also collect a dog that has been secured on a lead, as long as someone is willing to wait with it.

If you have contained a dog outside of office hours you will need to take the dog to Appledown Kennels. Call the kennels on 01525 220383. Please leave a message if no one answers. Let them know you have found a dog before taking it to the address above.

Please note: the kennels will not collect stray dogs.

You could also hold on to the dog until office hours, when our Dog Warden will collect it from you.

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 30 January 2024 at 04:35 PM

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